Industrial Sewing Machine Parts, Needles & Accessories For The Next Generation

A Division of SEW EUROPE

88, Rice Lane
L9  1DD  UK

©  Ian P.Sissons 2009

Uses 135x7 or SY1906 Needle



 WIMSEW W20U53 - W20U63 Replacement Parts
  Need a Part for your WIMSEW 20U machine?
  We can help you. In stock we have good stocks of most everyday requirements for the WIMSEW 20U.  And what we dont have, we can source quickly and without fuss.  We are the Parts People.

DB1-Z16 Rotary Hook 541678 Bobbincase Wide Opening with Pigtail 55623 Steel Bobbin 541647 Zig Zag Set Feed Dog 541734 Straight Sewing Set Feed Dog

541936 Zig Zag Needle Plate
Popular Parts For the WIMSEW W20U

DB1-Z16 Rotary Hook Assembly
541678 Bobbincase (410025)
55623 Steel Bobbin
541647 Zig Zag Set Feed Dog
541734 Straight Sewing Set Feed Dog
541936 Zig Zag Needle Plate
541937 Straight Stitch Needle Plate
208 Feed Dog Screw
691 Needle Plate Screw

541937 Straight Stitch Needle Plate
541566 Zig Zag Foot
541773 End Plate Cover All Models
541788 Needle Clamp for 20U31 & 33
543871 Bobbin Winder Ring (Old Style)
2102 Tension Disc (2 Used)
32758 Check Spring
540682 Tension Spring
504122 Needle Set Screw (New Style)
541657 Needle Bar (New Style)
541957 Tension Assembly
241788 Needle Clamp (Old Style)
541771 Blanking Plate

541566 Zig Zag Foot 24983 Straight Stitch Foot 541957 Tension Assembly 241788 Needle Clamp (Old Style) 32758 Check Spring541771 Blanking Plate

541657 Needle Bar (New Style)
Need Help or Advice?  Unsure of exactly what you need?  Or can't see your parts here?  Please Call one of our Engineers who will be delighted to help.